Online Admission


Instructions for Filling the Online Student Admission Form

Welcome to the student admission portal. Please follow the instructions below carefully to ensure your application is completed successfully.
NOTE: All Entries Must Be in Uppercase (Block Letters)

  1. Student Information:

    • Fill in your full name as it appears on official documents.
    • Provide a valid email address and phone number starting with country code (eg. +233) that you frequently check, as all communication regarding your application will be sent through these channels.
    • Enter your date of birth.
       2. Parent Information:
  • Fill in your full name as it appears on official documents.
  • Provide a valid phone number starting with country code (eg. +233) that you frequently check, as all communication regarding your application will be sent through these channels.
  • Enter your Occupation
  1. Guardian Info / Address Details:

    • Check "Father" or "Mother" if Guardian is Father or Mother OR Check "Other" if none of them are the guardian and provide Guardian Info.
    • Provide a valid working email address and phone number starting with country code (eg. +233) that you frequently check, as all communication regarding your application will be sent through these channels.
    • Complete your current residential address including street, city, state, and postal code.
    • If your permanent address differs, enter the permanent address as well or tick the Checkbox for permanent address if same as Current Address.
  2. Academic Details:

    • Select the Class you are applying for from the dropdown menu.
    • Enter your previous educational qualifications accurately, including institution names, years of attendance, and grades/marks obtained.
  3. Upload Documents:

    • Upload scanned copies of required documents if applicable (e.g., academic transcripts, ID proof, passport-sized photograph).
    • Ensure all documents are in PDF format, JPeg or PNG, and do not exceed the specified file size.
  4. Declaration:

    • Read the declaration carefully.
    • Tick the checkbox to confirm that all information provided is correct.
  5. Submission:

    • Review all your details before clicking the Submit button.
    • After submission, you will receive a confirmation email with your application number.

Note: Incomplete or inaccurate forms may lead to rejection of the application. If you face any issues during the submission process, please contact our support team at

Basic Details


Parent Detail

Guardian Details


Student Address Details

Miscellaneous Details

Upload Documents

(To Upload Multiple Document Compress It In A Single File Then Upload It)